Louis Jacinto
Bachelors of Art, California State University Los Angeles, 1986
Permanent Collections
Museum of Art and History, Lancaster, California
California African American Museum, Los Angeles, California
Claremont Museum of Art, Claremont Museum of Art
Los Angeles Public Library
Cultural Affairs Department, City of Los Angeles
Cultural Trailblazer 2020
Museum Exhibitions
Resonantly Me
2024 Bakersfield Museum of Art
Copy Machine Manifestos: Artists and Zines since 1971
2024 Vancouver Art Gallery, Canada
2023 Brooklyn Museum, New York
An Alternate Reality
Long Beach Museum of Art
10th Anniversary Exhibition
Museum of Art and History, Lancaster, California
Axis Mundo: Queer Networks in Chicano L.A.
2021 Museum of Contemporary Art, Cleveland, Ohio
2020 Gund Gallery, Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio
2019 Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, Massachusetts
Lawndale Art Center, Houston, Texas
Marjorie Barrick Museum, University of Las Vegas
2018 Vicki Myhren Gallery, University of Denver
The Hunter College Art Galleries, New York
2017 MOCA Pacific Design Center Gallery
A Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA Exhibition
Dark Progressivism: From Origin to the Post-recession Modern Era
2017 Museum of Art and History, Lancaster, California
A Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA Exhibition
Tastemakers: Excerpts from L.A. Youth Culture, 1943-2016
2016 Vincent Price Art Museum, Los Angeles
ASCO: Elite of the Obscure
A Pacific Standard Time: Art in Los Angeles 1945-1980 Exhibition
2013 Museo Universitario Arte Contemporareo, Mexico City
2012 Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, Massachusetts
2011 Los Angeles County Museum of Art
re:present L.A.
2012 Vincent Price Art Museum, Los Angeles
One Hour Photo
2010 American University Museum, Katzen Arts Center, Washington D.C.
Vexing: Female Voices of East LA Punk
2009 Museo de Las Artes, Guadalajara, Mexico
2008 Claremont Museum of Art
Gallery Exhibitions
A Woman’s Place: Visual Voices, The Ebell of Los Angeles
Changes-Cambios, Avenue 50 Studio, Los Angeles
Infinite Diversity: Celebrating Our Existence, United States Embassy, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dazzling: Queer Journeys Through Photography and Film, Bermudez Projects, Los Angeles
Vitam Picturarum - Vida En Fotos/Life In Pictures, Manos Amigues/Mexico City; Long Hall/West Hollywood
Creators In Residence by Shing Yin Khor, Los Angeles Public Library
The Fluidity Show, OFFUS Gallery, Los Angeles
Indelible Imprints, SaveARTSpace/Gallery 90220
Los Angeles Makery: Photo Los Angeles
Illuminate LA: Collective Memory, Grand Park, Los Angeles
Code Orange, Robert Berman Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
Louis Jacinto Photography, Jean Deleage Gallery at CASA 0101, Los Angeles
Tarfest 2020 Presents: Transition, LaunchLA Gallery
Coagula Curatorial Presents Coagula Editions
Celebrating All Matter, Matter Studio Gallery, Los Angeles
Ex voto: Santisima, Lisa Derrick Fine Art, Los Angeles
Like There’s No Tomorrow, ESXLA, Los Angeles
Goddesses and Gods, Lisa Derrick Fine Art, Los Angeles
2 Degrees, Avenue 50 Studio Gallery, Los Angeles
Unearthing Matter, Matter Studio Gallery, Los Angeles
Protest, Art Share L.A., Los Angeles
Viva Las Fotos: A Day of The Dead Memorial for Laura Aguilar, Avenue 50 Studio, Los Angeles
Out In The Street, MuzeuMM, Los Angeles
Nude Art L.A., Art Share L.A., Los Angeles
It’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll, Music Photography From The Edge: Front and Center
Castelli Art Space, Los Angeles,
From Her: An Exhibition in Honor of National Women's History Month, Biscailuz Gallery, Los Angeles, California
PASSION FOR FRIDA, Sanchez Contemporary, Group Show, Oakland, California
MONTH OF PHOTOGRAPHY (MOPLA), Santa Monica, California
L.A. JURIED EXHIBITION, L.A. Municipal Art Gallery, Group Show,
PUNK MEETS ART, Avenue 50 Studio, Los Angeles
photo + axis, Group Show, Mission Mountains, Montana
L.A. Municipal Art Gallery, Open Call, Group Show
Loft at Liz’s, Spaces: Inside, Outside and In-between, Month Of Photography LA, Group Show, Los Angeles
Orange County Center for Contemporary Art, Random Acts of Time, Group Show, Santa Ana, California
Mr. Brainwash Art Show, Group Show, Los Angeles
Antebellum Gallery, Alice Bag Show, Two Artists Show, Los Angeles
Thomas Paul Fine Art, Valdez/Jacinto: 80s Portraits, Los Angeles
L.A. Center Digital Art, Ten To Watch, Group Show
L.A. Municipal Art Gallery, Open Call, Group Show
Gallery 661, Politicon 2011, Art of Politics, Group Show, Lancaster, California
1650 Gallery, Urban Landscape, Group Show, Los Angeles
Korean Cultural Center, TarFest Exhibition, Los Angeles
Picture This Gallery, Frida Kahlo, Group Show, Long Beach, California
Smashbox Gallery, Month Of Photography Los Angeles, Group Show, Culver City, California
DRKRM. Gallery West, Art of Music Photography, Group Show, Santa Monica
urban:sanctuary Gallery, Art Within Reach, Group Show, Los Angeles
DRKRM. Gallery, Mick & Friends: Collection of Rock & Roll Photography, Group Show, Los Angeles
Casa 0101 Gallery, Prayer for Juarez, Group Show, Los Angeles
DRKRM. Gallery, Last Picture Show '09, Group Show, Los Angeles
Beyond Eden, L.A. Municipal Gallery, Group Show
DRKRM. Gallery, MONDO GRONK - GRONKPATSSIPARTY, Two Artists Show, Los Angeles
L.A. Municipal Art Gallery, Open Call, Group Show
Gallery Thirty One, Open Space, Group Show, Sierra Madre, California
DRKRM. Gallery, Last Picture Show, Group Show, Los Angeles
I-5 Gallery, Group Show, Los Angeles
DRKRM. Gallery, PUNKROCK LOSANGELES, Two Artists Show, Los Angeles
DRKRM. Gallery, Destroy All Music: The Masque and Beyond, Two Artists Show, Los Angeles
I-5 Gallery, Group Show, Los Angeles
L.A. Municipal Art Gallery, Open Call, Group Show
Tsunami Gallery, Group Show, Los Angeles
LA ART - Installations One Gallery, Censored, Group Show, Encino, California
LA ART - Installations One Gallery, Photo-Graphy, Group Show, Encino, California
LA ART - Installations One Gallery, Urban Landscapes II, Group Show, Los Angeles
LA Art - Installations One Gallery, Remembering John Lennon, Group Show, Redondo Beach, California
LA Art - Installations One Gallery, Group Show, Urban Landscapes, Encino, California
L.A. Municipal Art Gallery, Open Call, Group Show
ONE Inc., Group Show, Los Angeles
Sunset Junction, Sunset Junction Street Fair, Solo Show, Los Angeles
Beyond Baroque Gallery, Anti-World War III, Group Show, Venice, California
Since 2006 Louis Jacinto has published several books of his photographs including PUNKROCK LOSANGELES, No Paint, GRONKPATSSIPARTY, The Bags, Edge of the World: Self-Portraits 1976 – 2007, Hope Fading, The Beatles In Los Angeles, The Umbrellas Project, Patti Smith ‘78 and Angela - a series of photographs taken of Angela Davis in 1978.
In 2011 Jacinto launched onodream MAGAZINE. Each issue features one artist speaking in depth about their work. onodream MAGAZINE. One Artist. One Conversation.
HERE/THERE – A Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA Exhibition, FM Fine Art Gallery, Los Angeles
Curators: Kene J. Rosa and Louis Jacinto
Nervously Engendered: The Art of Gerardo Velazquez – A Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA Exhibition, Coagula Curatorial, Los Angeles
Curators: Mat Gleason and Louis Jacinto
HOME/ESCAPE: Gronk and Luis Roberto Vazquez Borja, FM Fine Art Gallery, Los Angeles
Curators: Kene J. Rosa and Louis Jacinto
The Gift of Art, FM Fine Art Gallery, Los Angeles
Curators: Kene J. Rosa and Louis Jacinto
Axis Mundo: Queer Networks in Chicano L.A.
ASCO: Elite of The Obscure
Contributing writer and photographer to Razorcake Magazine
In 2020 Jacinto launched onodream GALLERY, an online exhibition space
Jacinto continues to exhibit both his historic images as well as his current work.